Spotlight on Chrys Fey, Seismic Crimes #Giveaways

This week we have author Chrys Fey with her latest release, Seismic Crimes and there are giveaways! 


“Do you want some?” Beth held up the ice cream spoon she’d licked clean.


“Sit down.” She stood in front of him when he lowered onto the edge of the bed and removed his button-up shirt from his shoulders. With the bowl in her hands, she straddled him. “Am I hurting you?”

Curiosity rippled through him. “No, you’re fine.”

She lifted the spoon from the bowl and fed him ice cream, chocolate syrup and whipped cream. The ice cream melted on his tongue. “Mm. That’s good.”

“It gets better,” she promised and smeared melted ice cream onto his lips with the back of the spoon. She kissed him hungrily. When she finished sucking away the coldness from his lips, she set the bowl aside, framed his face with her hands, and gazed into his eyes. “I love how protective you are of me,” she admitted. Heat radiated off her body and slammed into him like a solar flare. “It turns me on.”

“Oh, yeah?”


She drizzled ice cream and chocolate syrup onto his shoulder. As it slithered down his skin, it felt like cold fire that made him burn from the inside. His breathing quickened, his heart rate rose. When the tip of Beth’s tongue touched his heated skin, he sucked in a breath between his teeth.

She licked up the sweet streams with her tongue and poured more down his chest. Her mouth followed the creamy pathways, causing his stomach muscles to clench. What she was doing, using her tongue and mouth on him, was driving his libido into overdrive.

“Do I get to eat ice cream? Or are you going to hog it all?”


1. Which actor and actress would play the characters in this scene?

Donovan would be played by Henry Cavill (Man of Steel) and Beth would be played by Kate Beckinsale (Underworld). They’d create some steamy love scenes in movies. That’s for sure. *wink*

2. If there were music on, what song would be playing in the background?

Maybe something fun like California Gurls by Katy Perry.

3. What inspire this scene?

Ice cream. No really. I wondered how you could use ice cream for foreplay and this is what I came up with. Sure, it could get of the ice cream, but it would be of the ice cream. *grins*

Title: Seismic Crimes
Author: Chrys Fey
Series: Disaster Crimes Series (Book Two)
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Format: Digital and Print
Page Count: 282




An Internal Affairs Investigator was murdered and his brother, Donovan Goldwyn, was framed. Now Donovan is desperate to prove his innocence. And the one person who can do that is the woman who saved him from a deadly hurricane—Beth Kennedy. From the moment their fates intertwined, passion consumed him. He wants her in his arms. More, he wants her by his side in his darkest moments.

Beth Kennedy may not know everything about Donovan, but she can’t deny what she feels for him. It’s her love for him that pushes her to do whatever she has to do to help him get justice, including putting herself in a criminal’s crosshairs.

When a tip reveals the killer's location, they travel to California, but then an earthquake of catastrophic proportions separates them. As aftershocks roll the land, Beth and Donovan have to endure dangerous conditions while trying to find their way back to one another. Will they reunite and find the killer, or will they lose everything?


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  1. Good luck with your latest book, Chrys. I read it, and thoroughly enjoyed it. But as far as the ice cream? I can attest that it is verrrrrry sticky. Especially with hot caramel sauce...

    1. Oh yes, I imagine it is very sticky. But yummy. ;) Thanks, Susan!

  2. Congrats, Chrys! Best of luck with your latest.

  3. Great choice of actors. It's great seeing Chrys around for her latest book.

  4. Very interesting indeed. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  5. Chrys is at my place too today:)

  6. Replies
    1. I'm glad. Thanks for commenting, Christine.

  7. Congrats on the new book. Fun excerpt.

  8. Well that's certainly a creative use for ice cream! :)

  9. That's an interesting way to use ice cream... I do love my ice cream xox

    1. I might be driving up ice cream sales with this scene. ;)

  10. Hehe I like the sound of this book, especially from the scene I just read! Also, if I had to watch this one I definitely would because I am a massive Henry Cavill fan. *heart melts*

    1. Henry is sure hot...and strong...and yeah... ;)

  11. Hi Nas and Chrys - love the concept and I'm sure the book is a great read - let alone the sticky, gungy parts ... good luck with the sales - cheers Hilary

  12. Thank you so much for having me on Romance Reader today! I think this is my first time here as a guest and I'm loving it! :D

  13. What a scene! So happy to see Chrys here! I loved hearing where she got the idea from. Definitely sounds sticky. :) Thanks for the amazing giveaway. Lucky us! I have been in some bad weather- a couple of hurricanes have hit where I live and we lost power and trees went down- but I wasn't right at the heart of the damage (thank goodness). Best of luck, Chrys!

    1. Hi, Jess! Thank you for commenting! Hurricanes are very powerful. Even just getting hit by the outer bands can cause floods, power outages, and trees to fall down.

  14. Kate Beckinsale would be a great actor to play Beth!
